Since my wife and son have never let me forget that we onced owned a Gorf that they enjoyed playing(until I SOLD it on them!)... I gladly took a Gorf cabaret shell as part of a trade/cash deal for our Battlezone cabaret back in April of 2010. And when I say shell... that's exactly what I mean... a shell. It was the cabinet, the marquee, and a stripped(and slightly hacked) control panel. Nothing else, no PCBs, no wires, no monitor, no speakers, no brackets... nothing. Even before we took ownership of this little guy, I started hunting down parts since I knew this was going to be a challenging project. I posted a WTB post over at the KLOV forums and very quickly had leads on a monitor bezel and bare joystick. The bezel was in good shape and only needed a cleaning. The joystick had problems with two of the four opto-switches(which was real nice since it was supposed to have been "working"). I ended up replacing all four opto-switches, all resistors and all capacitors on the controller PCB. I figured I have everything apart so why not? The cabinet itself was in fantastic shape and very clean. Over the next month or so I found a full wiring harness(minus the control panel part which my daughter and I ended up making) and a fully working PCB set. We also had to come up with some kind of mounting for the audio amplifier/volume PCB since we didn't have the original bracket. A piece of wood worked wonderfully. So good in fact that we also used wood to mount the monitor in place since that bracket was also missing. I also decided to go with a switching power supply instead of an original linear power supply. My daughter and I again made a little harness that plugs into the original harness so it would only take a few minutes to install an original power supply back into this thing. This was one of those projects that you think is going to be pretty involved but ends up not being too bad. The worst thing that happened was I tested a switching power supply from another game that turned out to be defective(+24v on the +12v line). Unfortunately both the RAM cards fried along with the speech chip. Riptor from the KLOV forums repaired the RAM cards so we were good to go in no time. Swapping the custom chips around led to no sound effects(or voice) coming from the left speaker, and the right speaker now had both sound effects and voice. Pulled a custom off one of the extra Wizard of Wor sets I have here and we are now good to go. Funny thing is the chips control the channel opposite to the side they are on on the PCB... So using the picture above, the left chip controls the right sound effects and the right chip controls the left sound effects. (AS OF: 07-03-2012)
Page created: 06-09-2010 Last update: 07-03-2012 |