My 10 year old son and I drove up to Fayetteville, NY to see Mr. Tim and pick up a Mr. Do! While we were there, we visited the infamous Bowling Ally Basement! When Tim saw me stop and look at this Moon Patrol he joked about giving me a "great deal" on it if I wanted to take it with the Mr. Do! Well duh Tim... I thought you were a little more intelligent that this... do you know me at all? Do you not realize I am a fellow hoarder? A hoarder who could *NEVER* pass up a "great deal"? Come on man... I mean... COME ON!!! The cabinet must have been under a leaky roof because the back half of the top was swelled up. Lucklily the moisture didn't hit the front since the top is sloped towards the back of the cabinet. The top back door was swelled and ruined, the bottom back door was only partially swelled and not terrible... but it'll still get replaced. The sideart is about a 6/10 on the left side and 5/10 on the right. The biggest problem with the sides is the bottom 3 to 4 inches are delaminated and water damaged. Once the warmer weather gets here, I plan to cut the bottom 4 inches off and put new wood there. I'm torn about repainting the whole cabinet but I may do it since this is Michele's all-time favorite game... and on that note... Yes, she's a keeper! The control panel overlay has some burn marks and a few missing pieces so it'll eventually be replaced, but as you can tell from the above video she really doesn't care. The scrolling background PCB had problems but Joe from Cicero, NY had a spare PCB set for $60. After installing that, I added the free play with single high score save modification from souzaonline.com. The high score part isn't working yet, but the free play part is and it is getting put through it's paces by the entire family. Moon Patrol is defintely going to be a keeper here! BTW, the "great deal" was... $50.00! I also started to fix the original PCB set. Three out of four boards are good with only the scrolling video board having issues. One issue that was taken care of yesterday was a defective RAM. The video is now cleared up but there are blocks of it that are off so the troubleshooting will continue... someday... BTW, Michele has a higher score than I do!!! She really kicks butt at this game(and she's cuter than cute while playing!!!). Also swapped out the non-matching jump buttons with a couple of blue buttons I've had here... I know blue isn't the original color for them but I kinda like the way they look so they're staying... for now. I also FINALLY wired up the coin door lights. Speaking of the coin door... about 3 or 4 weeks ago I replaced the coin door with a better condition one since the original had a hole drilled in it for a credit button. (AS OF: 07-10-2012)
Page Created: 02-16-2011 Last update: 07-10-2012 |