Found two of these on Craigslist a couple months ago and made a small offer for them since I just wanted the Sanyo monitors. Much to my surprise the person wrote back after a week or so and said I was the only one who expressed interest enough to setup a time and day to pick them up. Lucky me! When I went to pick these up, the person asked if I wanted to take a look inside them or plug them in... I said "No thanks." and we just loaded them up and I was on my way. I really intended to just buy these for their monitors so I didn't care what was in them. As you can see... my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to power them up. Both of them had TEN games and after adjusting the monitors they all had decent pictures. Once my son saw all the different games he talked me into keeping at least one together... I have to say... he didn't really have to twist my arm much since they are pretty cool. The control panels were pretty beat with lots of bare metal showing. An order from MameMarquee.com later, they looked much better as seen above. Three out of the four monitors started "ticking" which was traced back to cracked flybacks. So I gave all four the full rebuild treatment and did cap-kits, flybacks, and hots. For anyone who has rebuilt a Sanyo monitor you know this was no small task. Each monitor has lots to take apart and each has over 25 capacitors. Then the replacement flybacks do not take up the same foot print so you need to be creative. Click HERE for a little pictured write up I did while doing these. Can't beleive I wasn't going to keep one of these things for us to enjoy... duh!!! (AS OF: 10-03-2011)
Page Created: 10-03-2011 Last update: 10-03-2011 |